Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

How to Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

Today we’re going to talk about how to take action during Fashion Revolution Week, which is April 22-28, 2019. Fashion Revolution is a global movement that believes fashion shouldn’t cost people’s lives or the planet.

It was born out of the devastating tragedy of the Rana Plaza factory collapse in Bangladesh, which killed 1,138 Bangladeshi garment workers and injured hundreds more. Fashion Revolution believes no one should die for the sake of our clothes — and I wholeheartedly agree.

Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

My Fashion Revolution Journey

I wrote a little bit more about my fashion revolution journey last year, so if you want that whole post, you can find it here. In short, I started shopping second-hand in college because it was fun and accessible! I loved going thrifting with my boyfriend (now husband) and enjoyed picking out unique finds that no one else had.

Then I watched The True Cost and it totally changed my heart and mind. It revolutionized my relationship with fashion, and challenged everything I thought about my wardrobe previously. When I learned about the environmental impact and the human rights atrocities of the fashion industry, that’s when second-hand fashion became my entire closet. I realized I could make a significant impact by boycotting fast fashion, and shopping pre-loved clothes, exclusively.

Pre-Loved Podcast

But last year, I started thinking about ways to take action during Fashion Revolution Week. That’s when I started turning the idea of Pre-Loved Podcast over and over in my head.

The way I personally approach conscious fashion in my own life is through shopping second-hand. And I couldn’t find a podcast that was dedicated specifically to vintage and second-hand style, so I decided I would make it to showcase that second-hand style is both stylish and important.

Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

So that’s my story. Now let’s talk about you, and how you can take action during Fashion Revolution Week.

Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

The first step is equipping yourself with knowledge about the environmental and human rights issues of the industry. You need to know what’s going on, so you can take steps to make it better. Here are some of my favorite resources:

How to Shop Differently

After you devour these resources, I bet you’ll be ready to shop differently. I’ve had lots of conversations with people about ethical fashion, and many of them express they’re ready to consume less, shop more ethically, or buy second-hand. And I think that is RAD! But if you need help getting started, here’s a starting place:

You’re a crucial part of this movement. I so hope you’ll all use your voice to share what you’ve learned and help grow this movement! Your voice can raise up so many people around the globe. 

How to Take Action During Fashion Revolution Week

See you out there!

Until next time — let’s chat on Instagram or Twitter, where I’m @brumeanddaisy. You can listen to my playlists here on the blog, or follow me on Spotify! Stay tuned in because I put them out monthly. Of course, please find me over on Goodreads. Let me know what I should read and review next. 

And don’t forget, subscribe to my podcast for new episodes of  Pre-Loved Podcast every week!

And my newest thing… I’ve started a newsletter! It’s called The French Press — think, slowly sipping your coffee on a weekend morning kind of vibes.

If you’re into plants, ethical fashion, slow living, travel, craft beer, vintage clothes, cruelty-free products, podcasts, pop culture, sustainability, and the like…. you won’t want to miss it. Drop your email here.