Thrift Store Shopping Tips vintage corduroy pants
Fashion,  Lifestyle

My Thrift Store Shopping Tips

Do you have a friend who always finds the BEST things at second-hand stores? Today, I’ll share tips to make you that person. I’ve found vintage Gucci bags, cashmere sweaters, perfectly worn-in Levi jeans, and dresses that are to die for all at my local vintage and second-hand shops. And with my thrift store shopping tips, you can, too!

Why I love thrifting

First off, why I love thrifting so much. I blogged all about why I love shopping vintage and second hand in this post, so head over there if you want to learn more, but in short, these are my top five reasons:

  1. It’s frugal.
  2. Because I don’t support the fast-fashion industry.
  3. I love the hunt for that cool, unique item.
  4. Vintage clothing has a magic soul. Wearing vintage and second-hand allows you to express yourself in a unique way. The things you find have a meaning and a past.
  5. I get to support small businesses or charity shops.

My Thrift Store Shopping Tips

So you want to become an expert second-hand shopper. I’ll turn you into one with these tips.

What to do before you go: 

  • Know what you need. It can be easy to get overwhelmed when you walk into the second-hand store and have unlimited options available to you. Before you go have a peek in your closet. Make a little list of what you’re hoping to find (“jeans, chunky sweaters, and graphic t-shirts,” for example) and it will help narrow your search.
  • Know what brands you like. For example, don’t just hunt for jeans, hunt for Vintage Levis. Then as you’re thumbing through the endless racks of jeans you can quickly glance at the tags to find the brands you know you like.
  • Know your style. A lot of times when I’m second-hand shopping I’ll come across a piece that’s high-quality and vintage, but if it’s not my style, I don’t pick it up. Knowing what you like keeps you from buying every single beautiful thing you discover in the thrift-shop.

Thrift Store Shopping Tips vintage floral duster

What to do in the store: 

  • Look for high quality materials. I check the tags on every piece. One of the best things about shopping for vintage clothes is that old clothing was made SO much better than new clothing is today. The materials are luxurious and made to last, and here you can pick them up at a second-hand store for less than $5. I look for cashmere, wool, linen, silk, etc. I look for metal zippers and strong seams.  For example, I found a vintage cashmere sweater at Goodwill. It fit me perfectly and was this beautiful evergreen color, but it had a tiny hole on the bottom part of the sweater. The hole was so small, tucked into jeans you wouldn’t even know the hole was there. Because the sweater was pure cashmere, I bought it despite the hole. One day, I’ll probably fix the hole, but until then I sleep and lounge around the house in a cashmere sweater I bought for $1.88 at a second-hand store. High-quality materials make all the difference.

    Thrift Store Shopping Tips vintage corduroy pants

  • Look for a balance of fun and trendy pieces and solid and quality pieces. A lot of modern trends are inspired by vintage trends because fashion is highly cyclical. So in addition to looking for high-quality materials and pieces that will last me a long time like I described above, I’ll look for trendy, fun pieces, too. If a trend is only going to be popular for a short while, why not buy it second-hand?  Some of the big 2018 trends that are all over thirft stores include: funky gym wear, corduroy pants, big earrings, checkered plaids, classic trench coats, fringe, fanny packs, and 1960s florals.

Thrift Store Shopping Tips vintage chunky sweater

  • Home decor and books are the easiest sections for beginners. If digging through all the clothing is just too much, start with home decor and books to get warmed up.
  • Google the label to find out if it’s vintage or valuable. You’ll eventually build awareness for these types of things, but until you know, give the brand a quick search to see if it’s high-quality.
  • Get a cart and carry all your “maybes” with you. There’s no worse regret than the “I’ll come back fro that” regret when someone scoops up something you found first.
  • Check every section, including dressing room racks. If you’re truly shopping for vintage clothes, you need to look everywhere. Check the dressing rooms, check the mens section, dig, dig, dig. Plan to spend a few hours looking to really find the best things.

Thrifting Life-Hacks: 

  • Thrift out of town and when on vacation. I find some of my favorite, most memorable things in new locations. And then you’ll always have the great memory of your vacation when you bring that find home.
  • Go with a friend. My husband and I go second-hand shopping together. We both know what the other likes and we can cover twice the ground when shopping together.

Thrift Store Shopping Tips vintage gucci purse handbag found at a second-hand store

  • Befriend the sellers. I have a ton of amazing friends who sell vintage. And when they bring exciting things into the store they’ll often share it on social media or let their best buyers know first. For example, one of my dear friends who sells vintage brought some beautiful vintage bags into her shop, and I was able to score this precious Gucci purse, plus support my friend!
  • Go thrifting often. Some days you won’t find anything, and other days you’ll walk out with bags and bags of priceless finds. That’s just part of the game, and by going thrifting often you build up your amazing second-hand shopping skills! Curtis and I have four or five shops that we frequent, and we often go once or twice a week. You don’t have to go that often, but maybe start with once a month. OR, our favorite, do a thrifting marathon and hit several stores all on one Saturday. So fun.

Now you’re all set with my top thrift store shopping tips! Good luck, and enjoy the hunt! -Emily